Spring Break – Lionheart Puppets, Morris Public Library, Thursday, April 17, 1 PM.

The Lionheart Puppets will present Jack Tuesday: Fairy Tale Investigator Puppet Show at the Morris Public Library, on Thursday, April 17, 1 PM.
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep and doesn’t know where to find them. Jack Tuesday is the guy who can figure out why someone would try to hide them.
On a chase through the city to the homes of three piggies and other popular tales, Jack Tuesday will track down the thief who has stolen the sheep and make sure that the thief lands in jail.
An original story from Lionheart Puppets, Jack Tuesday: Fairy Tale Investigator is a fun-filled mystery starring several favorite story time characters.
This show is suitable for ages 4-11
Please register: 860-567-7440 or https://morrispubliclibrary.net/library-calendar-event-registration/