“The Bear Reality” with Felicia A. E. Ortner, Connecticut Master Wildlife Conservationist, Wednesday, April 23, 6:30 PM

“The Bear Reality” with Felicia A. E. Ortner, Connecticut Master Wildlife Conservationist, Morris Public Library, Wednesday, April 23, 6:30 PM

Felicia Ortner, CT Master Wildlife Conservationist and a bear enthusiast, will educate us on the facts about bears and help dispel myths and common misunderstandings.

Bears, like so many animals, have become victims of misunderstandings that have been fueled by media, literature and word of mouth. On one hand, we think of them as vicious predators. On the other hand, we see them as cuddly teddy bears. Both these images can mean trouble for bears.

The population of black bears has been increasing in Connecticut over the last four decades and will continue to grow. Historically, bears had been extirpated from the state by the mid-1800s. With bears reestablishing residency, it is important to educate the public with knowledge and insight and improve our understanding and tolerance. It will help reduce conflicts with our wild bear neighbors.

The Bear Reality is a comprehensive program created to share information and some wisdom of bears. The program will focus on the American black bears, our only resident species in the wild and provide a review of data from results of the bear research conducted by wildlife biologists in the state.

The speaker hopes that a better understanding about the life and behavior of bears will lead to a higher tolerance and coexistence of humans and bears, which will become a Bear Reality.

Please register: 860-567-7440 or https://morrispubliclibrary.net/library-calendar-event-registration/