Programs and Services
Adults and General Audience
A Chromebook is a laptop used to perform a variety of tasks using the Google Chrome browser.
The Morris Public Library now has a Chromebook device for their patrons to borrow.
Go online anywhere and anytime.
The Chromebook checks out for 2 weeks.
Connect to the Internet via Chromebook+Mobile Hotspot combo (borrowed separately).
Ask for your Chromebook at the desk or call 860-567-7440.
CLICK HERE for instructions on how to use a Chromebook.
CLICK HERE for Chromebook Lending Policy.
Mobile Hotspots
Wi-Fi Hotspots offer wireless internet at home, will accompany you on a vacation or help a friend or a loved one who does not have Internet access.
The Morris Public Library has wireless Hotspots available for checkout!
These Hotspots allow you to connect to the Internet anywhere there is a cell phone signal on the Sprint network. There is no limit on data, and you may connect up to 10 devices to the Hotspot.
Each Hotspot checks out for 2 weeks.
Ask for your Hotspot at the desk or call 860-567-7440.
CLICK HERE for instructions on how to use a Mobile Hotspot.
CLICK HERE for Mobile Hotspot Lending Policy.

Digital Resources Assistance
The Morris Public Library offers Digital Resources Assistance in half hour tech class sessions on Tuesdays (3 pm- 4 pm) and Fridays (4 pm-6 pm) by appointment. We would like to help you better understand library equipment; assist with downloading library ebooks and audiobooks. Learn how to use our online catalog, request materials independently and explore our online resources.
To register: call 860-567-7440 or visit the circulation desk.

The Morris Public Library is introducing Wowbrary
Wowbrary, a digital subscription service that sends patrons FREE e-mail alerts about Library’s newest books, movies and other materials. The service also allows one to reserve the bestsellers instantly, provides the early notification about the newly added Library materials, and is completely private. To sign up for weekly emails: The service is sponsored by the Friends of the Morris Public Library.
For more information: 860-567-7440.

Eversource Energy donated a Kill-a-Watt device to the Morris Public Library that patrons can borrow to measure electrical use of household appliances and save money.
Contact us: 860-567-7440 or [email protected]
Kill-A-Watt Kit
Want to discover areas in your home that are wasting energy? It’s easy – just check out an Eversource “Kill-A-Watt” kit from your local CT library.
The kit allows you to explore three types of electric use: plug, lighting, and mechanical. The kits measure and record the amount of electricity consumed, and we provide you with a booklet that gives tips on reducing your energy consumption and costs.
Book Clubs

Morris Public Library Book Clubs
The Mystery Book Club meets at the Morris Public Library every second Wednesday of the month.
The Popular Book Club gathers at the Library once every month.
The Fantasy Book Club takes place once a month on a Friday.
For updates: 860-567-7440 or

"Spring is Here!" is our new book display on the Center Shelf. Enjoy seasonal stories, cozy mysteries and holiday cookbooks.

The new display in our Glass Cabinet features a collection of china sets that belonged to Cathy's parents. Meet Cathy here at the Library!